Thursday, July 15, 2010

Little Women (by Louisa May Alcott)

Or the Meaning of Josephine Marie...

Before her bedtime, I tell  my daughter that she is my little present. I tell her that I had prayed for a little Josephine Marie and God made her just for me. And it is true. Every bit of her is exactly how I imagined she would be...

Thomas and I loved the name "Josephine" before we even met each other. My brother, Joseph and I were close. And I loved the  Josephine character in "Little Women".

The name Josephine is sentimental for Thomas as well. He holds a fond memory of his grandfather and a joke he had with his three daughters.

Josephine means: "God shall add" or "God shall increase"

Or as I explained to Josie, "God shall give me more presents."

In the year Josie was born, many things were increased into my life: marriage,a new place to live, a new business, pregnancy.
The name fit.

However, in the same year, we endured many trials as well: a struggling business that provided scant income (and no health insurance), severe preeclampsia (that led to other health problems), a low birth-weight, colicky baby that refused to drink milk(even from a bottle), and the deaths of my dearest Grandma and Aunt Linda (to breast cancer).

Even through the most bitter trials..."God shall increase".

Marie literally means "bitter"
This reminds me of the bibical Mary who was born in "bitter" times under the oppressive Roman rule and in extreme poverty. (Mary's mother personally felt these trials were acute enough to warrant such a symbolic name). But in the midst of despair, God added Himself to her life. God gave her the Present that would be the Present for the whole world.

No, I do not always know the reason for the suffering moments.
But those trying times are just that...
Brief moments.

And in those moments, I can remember the blessings. The increases. The presents.
Such as Josie.

"I will sing unnto the Lord, because He hath dealt BOUNTIFULLY with me." Psalm 13:6
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